Jump Shot Group Show
April 23 - June 17, 2022
Jump Shot
Group Show
Curated by Lisha Bai, Studio Archive Project
Opening on April 28th, 2022, from 6 PM to 9 PM
On view until June 17th, 2022
Featuring: Ben K. Voss, Marianne Gagnier, Calvin Burton, Maria Walker, Al Svoboda, Julie Torres, Christopher Peterson, and David Scanavino
A reliable jump shot is acquired by taking many jump shots. Improv shows take place before audiences after much practice with audiences absent. A novel sauce made well several times then tweaked with improvements and made several times more, gradually consummates into a secret sauce. Practice might not always make perfect, but it can help us compete, react cleverly, and get things cooked without the operative hindrance of remaining constantly cognizant of our manners, modes, and moments of operation. At some point, things just click. And then what?
For visual art, the many ways in which that ‘what’ might manifest compellingly are matters of the rigor of experience converging with the spark of creativity, and they’re less about perfection than they are about intention, novelty, curiousness, and sincerity. With Jump Shot, curator Lisha Bai brings together eight artists – Ben K. Voss, Marianne Gagnier, Calvin Burton, Maria Walker, Al Svoboda, Julie Torres, Christopher Peterson, and David Scanavino – whose works in abstraction result from well-honed skills and material expertise being informed and inflected by practices involving experimentation, chance, repetition, impulse, unforeseeable outcomes, and material and process-related improvisation. Working in a range of mixed media approaches to painting, these artists let instinct and intuition guide the way, loosening their hands and minds in their treatments of surfaces, layerings of color, gestural marks, and arrangements of compositional forms. The yields include richly textured collages, brilliant saturations and washes, delicately layered repetitions, materially decadent sculptural paintings, and geometric abstractions in which conceptual considerations serve to variably soften rigid formalities.
Jump Shot evokes thoughts about planning and impetuousness, wisdom and whimsy, and seriousness and insouciance, and the artworks it brings together are full of textural robustness and chromatic radiance. It’s an exhibition of acrobatic layups and secret sauces awaiting the open minds and eyes of a curious audience.
— Paul D’Agostino

Marianne Gagnier, Map of the World, 2021, mixed media on canvas, 34 x 40 in

Christopher Peterson, Untitled, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20 in

Al Svoboda, IF (Set of 4), 2021, gouache, ink, acrylic gel, and paper on canvas

Julie Torres On the left: Slump, 2019, acrylic on wood, 12 x 10 x 1 inches | On the right: The Notebook, 2014 acrylic on sketchbook 13 x 21 x 1 inches

in the center: David Scanavino, Untitled, 2022, cowhide, acrylic, and wood, 117 x 55 inches

Calvin Burton, Fata Morgana (II), 2020, oil on canvas, 24 x 32 in

On the right: Maria Walker, Window Calendar, 2020 - 2021, acrylic, canvas, wood, 70 x 30.75 x 2.5 in

Ben K. Voss, Aya, 2022, oil on canvas, 6x 8 in

Ben K. Voss, Angelo, 2022, oil on canvas, 6x 8 in