Bea Parsons Solo Show

Dec 8 - Jan 30 2022

These Dreams

Bea Parsons Solo Show
Curated by Benjamin Klein
Opening on December 8th, 2021, from 4 PM to 8 PM
On view until January 30th, 2022

Tappeto Volante is delighted to announce These Dreams, the first solo show in New York City by Montreal, Quebec-based artist Bea Parsons, curated by Benjamin Klein.

Parsons is originally from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and is currently a professor of painting and drawing at Concordia University in Montreal, where she received her undergraduate education. She holds an MFA from Columbia University in Studio Arts, completed in 2012.

Parsons's recent production is primarily in monotype printing, and so her prints are unique editions and incorporate a great deal from the technique of painting - the resulting works are rich in tactile sophistication and atmospheric painterliness, compressed into and onto the flat surface of the beautiful paper she uses. A powerful but subtly variegated range in tonal values from very light to extremely dark animates her world in a mode reminiscent of a worked charcoal drawing. Parsons creates a lush and lovely range of pictorial effects in printmaking, culling deeply from the methods and histories of drawing and painting, which remain her artistic mainstays, despite concentrating on print. All of the works in These Dreams belong to this category of monotype printing. 

Parson's artwork envisions a multivalent, open-ended, and multicultural universe, folding in her own multi-sided background and experience. Of Cree, Scottish and French origins, and having lived in numerous very different places across Canada and the United States, she, in a considered manner, nonetheless makes free with signs and symbols that are sourced from all over, of many different places and times. European modern art mixes into elements drawn from her indigenous heritage seamlessly, and from the collective to the personal Parsons manages her materials effortlessly, always relying on a quirky sense of humor and a sly self-awareness to round off the phantasmagoria she has envisioned. She is as at home cracking jokes as she is depicting a nightmare.

She creates a strange and seductive world of dreamlike scenes and figures, characters and creatures, that run the gamut from the lyrical and poignant to the melancholy and grotesque, from distorted landscape to gridded abstraction. In effect, the work is very rich, employing a symbolist vocabulary both personal and historical to depict a marvelously realized demimonde. Slapstick comedy and sexy vignettes butt up against images of lost and lonely people and spirits, and sometimes genuinely baffling or frightening confrontations between the natural and the supernatural, the seemingly human with the apparently divine or demonic. The very space itself in Parson's monotypes warps and slides, flowing in waves of itself outward and inward, towards and from itself. 

These Dreams gathers a perfect little collection of "these dreams" together in New York City for the first time. 


Bea Parsons (b. 1981 in Saskatoon, Canada) is based in Tiohtia:ke/Montreal, Quebec, where she is represented by McBride Contemporain. She holds an MFA in Visual Art from Columbia University of New York (2012) and a BFA in Painting & Drawing (2010) and Art Education (2008) from Concordia University. Parsons currently teaches full-time at Concordia University, Montreal, and previously at UC Davis (2016-2015) and the University of Texas, Austin (2013-2015). Children's art education plays a vital role in her career by teaching at Montreal's Visual Art Center and a teaching residency in Winnipeg's Art City. Parsons has participated in residencies, including the Catwalk Institute (NY), the Kala Institute (Berkley, CA), and the Wallace Stegner House (Eastend Saskatchewan, Canada). In 2012 she was the recipient of the Rema Hort Mann Grant in New York City. Her work is included in numerous collections, including the Musée des Beaux-Arts Montreal, Musée d'art de Joliette, Hydro-Quebec, RBC, and Scotia Bank.


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